Monday, October 31, 2011

Tanah Toraja - South Sulawesi Mainstay

anah Toraja, a famous tourist attraction with its cultural richness. District is located approximately 350 km north of Makassar is very popular with the customary form of house building. The traditional house is named Tongkonan . The roof is made from bamboo is split and stacked compiled, but now many are using zinc. Tongkonan also has a corresponding degree of nobility strata strata of society such as gold, bronze, iron and brass.
tongkonan - Toraja traditional house
Because so attach image Toraja Land with house building is customary, as a form of tourism promotion and to attract Japanese tourists to this region, then the custom house was built in the country "sunrise" it. The building was done by his own Toraja people and carried off to negari sakura tourism entrepreneurs. Now in Japan, there have been two Tongkonan Tongkonan very similar to the original. The presence Tongkonan always amaze people of the country because of its unique. The difference to the one in Tanah Toraja is located on the roof only using bamboo. 
There are many other charms of Tanah Toraja ritual signs other than solo (funeral) that has been famous for this. Call it baby graves in the tree in Kampung Kambira Tarra, Sangalla District, about 20 kilometers from Rantepao, prepared for the body of a baby aged 0-7 years.

Although burying the baby in the tree Tarra was not implemented since the last decades, but the tree where the "bury" dead baby was still upright and much visited by tourists. On top of a tree that has fruit similar Tarra breadfruit commonly used as a vegetable by the local population with a circle around the tree trunk 3.5 meters, saved dozens of dead babies. 
Before the body is inserted into the tree trunk, hollowed tree first and then placed into a dead baby and then covered with a black palm tree fibers. After decades, the baby's body will blend with the tree. This is an attraction for travelers and to Tanah Toraja society still considers sacred place like a newborn child.

Placement of the baby's body on the tree is well adapted to the social strata of society. The higher the degree of social family that then the higher the where babies were buried in the Tarra tree trunk. In fact, babies who die are placed in the direction of the bereaved family residences. If the house is in the western part of the tree, then the child's body will be laid to the west.
Londa stone tombs in Toraja land
Stone graves, one grave form of the Toraja people 

To reach this amazing Tanah Toraja there domestic airlines Makassar - Toraja Land which is currently only once a week and wear a small plane berpenumpang eight people, which takes 45 minutes from Airport Hasanuddin Makassar. If by land, which is quite tiring journey takes between seven and ten hours.
Interesting event in this tourist area that is the burial ceremony (solo signs) and signs Tuka (shower) which is a fixed calendar each year. In addition to these events, visitors can see up close the other interesting cultural attractions such as the storage bodies in the reservoir body shaped "containers" giant size with a width of 3 meters and a height of 10 meters and tongkonan 600 years old in Londa, Rantepao. 
party signs for solo 'in the land of Toraja
party signs for solo 'the Toraja
Rambu Solo party 'or a party / funeral ritual

This is a fraction of the many tours offered by the charm Tana Toraja as a tourist destination mainstay of southern Sulawesi. How? Interested in seeing the uniqueness of this cultural tourism?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Outbound Tourism Enjoy Beach Labombo

Labombo one of the favorite tourist attractions in Palopo. The strategic location makes the people can reach it easily. This tourist location is only approximately one mile from downtown.
Manager coast presents a different feel from beach tourism in general. Visitors do not just bathe in the sea, then went home. Moreover, a number of facilities can be enjoyed by visitors who want more entertainment.
Visitors can also do outbound. There are amusement rides flying fox. This facility not only offers a glide from tree. Before sliding, visitors must pass through various challenging obstacles adrenaline.
For visitors with children, can choose a more secure facility. There are facilities like a duck-duck boats that speed is dependent stroke rider. Calm waves make visitors safe to raise their children.
Management also offers a traditional boat ready to take visitors out to sea. Witnessing the scene and point of view of sea and sky united. Also the houses of fishermen catch fish.
Labombo become a favorite place finish a number of community bicycle. After cycling around the city, they finish by playing on the beach. There is also an event to add it with grilled fish.
In a corner in the southern part Labombo, there is a section that juts into the sea. There, visitors can relax and fishing. Or it could be more to see and dive into the underwater panorama.
Nuraeni, a visitor, admitted amazed with the development Labombo today. First, he said, the beach is very dirty. "But now it is beautiful. It could be an option to travel," he said last week.
Several years ago, is known as a beach Labombo "wild". Garbage everywhere without supporting facilities. But since its management dipihakketigakan in 2010, Labombo began primp.
Managing coastal tourism Labombo, Max Tarukallo said it still continues to make improvements. There are still many facilities planned construction.
Head of Tourism Palopo, Najid Kasim said, the more manicured Labombo since handed over to private management. City Government Palopo no longer be bothered to maintain and develop the tourism potential Labombo Coast. "We are targeting Rp40 million in revenue from Labombo," he said.
Beyond the question who is the manager and how the target of PAD, Labombo now become one of the favorite tourist destinations in Palopo. Seabrek tired with your work? Labombo ready to become a tourist location for relaxation of body and mind

Tanjung pallette as an Alternative Liaison With Coral area pallette Being Integrated Marine Tourism

One tourist attraction in Cape Regency Bone is pallette. Attractions: Cape pallette pallette is located in the Village District Tanete Bone Riattang Eastern District of South Sulawesi. It is an area that has very beautiful scenery, which is supported facilities. This area is directly opposite the Gulf of Bone sea within 12 km from downtown Watampone.

With the pallette Cape attractions can be combined with other biological resources to be managed more promising. One such potential or biological resources are priceless in terms of economic and ecological resources of coral reefs is, if the coral reef resources is associated with the development of nautical tourism have contributed to very large. Because of the existence of coral reefs are very important in the development of various sectors including the tourism sector.

The research was conducted from June to July 17, 2010 in Cape pallette, waters pallette pallette in the Village, Eastern District of Tanete Riattang Bone regency, and the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Bone.

Based on observations in the waters of Tanjung pallette has several variations and different types of reef forms such as branching corals (branching), coral fungi (mushroom), brain coral, leaf coral (Foliose), table corals (tabulate) and various forms of coral others. And diverse marine life ranging from fish consumption, ornamental fish and other marine biota.

Unfortunately the results of observations made in the field, most of the coral reefs found in the waters of Cape pallette these conditions have a lot of damage. This is in accordance with the Annual Report of the Development Data Department of Marine and Fisheries of Bone (2009) that coral reefs in the eastern district Tanete Riattang covering 13.375 ha, in the damaged condition of 2675.0 ha (20%), critical 4681.2 ha (35%) , both 6018.8 ha (45%) means more than 50% in damaged condition.

However, data from the Annual report of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development District. Bone (2009) about 45% of coral reefs is still considered in good condition. That is, there is still hope that will be managed to serve as a marine tourism are the latest in Kab. Bone. Hence the need for more intensive supervision, ongoing socialization, post construction monitoring, as well as strict sanctions against persons who do damage, so it can be used as a marine tourism object. was a huge asset and valuable should not be wasted just like that. Therefore, hopefully with this article can provide inspiration for the government to develop marine tourism attraction in the area of ​​coral reefs, not only in coastal areas have made the development of nautical tourism.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hunting Photo Panorama in Maros Karst

Maros Karst AREA presents an extraordinary panorama. Moreover, if entered into the frame photography. That is why the photo hobbyist vying karst and hunt down the beautiful panoramic view over there.
Including Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives (DPRD) of Makassar, Haidar Majid. He was hunting in the Village photo Salenrang Maros Regency, on Sunday (23/01/2011).

In the past two months, Haidar was actively cultivate the photography. This hobby made him diligent visiting places of interest to immortalized through his camera shots.

In this photo hunting Haidar come together legislators of Makassar, Andi Lantara Endre Cecelia, who also enjoys photographing and colleagues Jusly Yani, photographer and graphic designer Makassar.

At this location, they capture the atmosphere of many people's lives or human interest. Moreover, the atmosphere in this area so attractive because it is a pond area. In addition, not less interesting, photographing cluster karst landscape is clear from the road axis Maros-Pangkep.

According to Haidar who is also son of this Maros, Maros actually have a natural posona interesting enough to capture. Hence, the area supporting this Makassar should always maintain its natural beauty as one of the potential to be developed in the future.

Prior to the Maros, they hunt photos around Sultan Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar and Makassar Sudiang Sports Regions. The event this photo hunt for Haidar, in addition to photography hobby is also to see and capture directly the condition of the region.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Bajo who Holding Tradition

Wakatobi in Southeast Sulawesi, is not only known for its underwater natural beauty. In this area we can also see life Bajo. Wakatobi itself is the new name replaces the name of the Tukang Besi Islands. And Wakatobi is an acronym of the names of major islands in the archipelago, namely Wangi-Wangi, Kaledupa, Tomea, and Binongko. Wakatobi is a district of more than 80 percent of its territory is the Wakatobi Marine National Park area. So, do not be surprised if the natural conditions in this region are still well maintained and charming.

Well, Wakatobi is one island that is used as a place to settle Bajo. Bajo sea is a tribe whose life is above the waters. Sea tribes are spread across several parts of the archipelago, including in Johor and East. Later, this sea tribe settled in a number of places, building their own community.

In addition, the township also has a unique Bajo people make a boat or canoe as the primary means of transportation. Not only that, the boat also serves as a means of buying and selling daily. In fact, other transportation equipment like cars and motorcycles have entered the region. "However, the canoe remains a tradition that can not be separated from Bajo life," said Nova Rini SCTV reporter that the opportunity to visit the Wakatobi.

In addition, the Nova also had the chance to see the manufacture of traditional woven crafts Wakatobi. The women weavers gather and do the weaving process on the front porch. From spinning yarn to weaving everything is still done with traditional tools. This is where the fabric Ledja, kasopa, weaving motif typical Wakatobi produced. From all that, it can be said that the Wakatobi and Bajo who inhabit is like as a keeper of natural and cultural preservation. If you need a holiday location, Wakatobi could be the right choice for you and your family.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Raja Ampat

The archipelago is a place that has the potential to serve as a tourist attraction, especially diving tourism. Raja Ampat Islands waters according to various sources, is one of the 10 best waters for diving sites around the world. In fact, it may also be recognized as number one for the completeness of underwater flora and fauna at this time.

Dr. John Veron, coral experienced experts from Australia, for example, in a site it is revealed, the Raja Ampat Islands located in the westernmost tip of New Guinea, about 50 miles northwest of Sorong, has the best reef areas in Indonesia. Approximately 450 species of coral had been identified during the two weeks of research in the area.

Raja Ampat

A team of experts from Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy, and National Oceanographic Institutions (Lon) Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) have done a quick assessment in 2001 and 2002. As a result, they noted in these waters there are more than 540 species of hard corals (75% of the total species in the world), more than 1,000 species of reef fish, 700 types of mollusks, and the highest record for gonodactyloid stomatopod crustaceans. This makes 75% of the world's coral species in Raja Ampat. None of the places with the same area has a number of coral species as much as this.

There are several areas of coral reefs that are still very good condition with the percentage of live coral cover to 90%, namely in the Dampier Strait (the strait between P. Waigeo and P. Batanta), Kofiau Islands, Islands and South East Misool Wayag Islands. Types of coral reefs in Raja Ampat is generally fringing reef with gentle slope to steep contour. But it was also found atoll type and type of burns or taka. In some places like the village Saondarek, when the lowest tides, coral reefs can be seen without a dive and with his own adaptation, the corals can still be alive despite being in the open air and direct sunlight.

Raja diving

Unique species that can occur during diving are some of the pigmy seahorse species or kudalaut mini, wobbegong and manta ray. There are also four endemic fish king, namely Eviota king, which is a kind of fish gobbie. At Manta Point which is located in Dampier strait Arborek, you can dive in the company of some tail Manta Ray is benign like when you dive in Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan. If you dive at Cape Kri or Chicken Reef, you can be surrounded by thousands of fish. Sometimes a collection of tuna, giant trevallies and snappers. But those tense when we are surrounded by a collection of barracuda fish, although in fact it's relatively harmless (which is dangerous if we see barracuda solitary or alone). Reef sharks are also frequently seen, and if lucky you can also see the turtle is still eating sponge or swim around you. In some places like in Salawati, Batanta and Waigeo also seen dugong or sea cow.

Because the area of ​​many islands and narrow straits, so most of the dive at a particular time has a strong current. It allows also to perform drift dive, dive, following a strong flow of water is very clear as he broke through a collection of fish. There is also a sunken airplane World War II relic that can be found in several places to make diving a great place to dive as in P. Wreck Wai. And many more reef sites that actually have never been touched. This makes diving in Raja Ampat was more challenging.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Baptism Potonga

Potanga located to the west of the city of Gorontalo, precisely in the Village District Town Pilolodaa Barat.Jarak short journey from the city center attractions makes potanga bathhouse are not equipped with accommodation facilities. Travel time is only about 20 minutes from downtown. Nature tourism that relies on a clean and cool baths with natural mountain spring water that flows from the crevices of rocks around the bathhouse, is a tourism asset Gorontalo city government and society in general. Name Potanga baths that have a meaning intersection and become a slum in the area, Tours potanga built since the Dutch colonial era. There are two alternative pathways to the tourist sites, the first of Jalaluddin Airport and the second from the central city of Gorontalo. The distance is short ie access from the city of Gorontalo, because only about 5 km from downtown through Eyato and Jalan Jalan Raja Usman Isa. For visitors who want to travel to locations directly from Jalaluddin Airport, by taxi via Highway Batudaa - Bongomeme and will pass the location - other tourist sites (Taluhu BARAKATI, Fort Otanaha, Pier Iluta, and Cemetery Keramat Ju Panggola). Right at the intersection of four villages pilolodaa (potanga), you will see the gate leading to the tourist sites. From the gate still is approximately 500m to the tourist sites with a slightly uphill road, because the precise nature tourism potanga bathhouse located at the foot of the hill.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Tanah Toraja, South Sulawesi Tourism Pledge

Tanah Toraja, a tourist attraction known for its cultural wealth. The district is located about 350 km north of Makassar is very famous with their customary form of house building. The traditional house called Tongkonan. The roof is made of palm leaves or nipah and can survive up to 50 years. Tongkonan also has a suitable degree of nobility strata strata of society such as gold, bronze, iron and brass.
I was so so attach image Tanah Toraja with this customary home building, as a form of promotion of tourism and to attract Japanese tourists to this region, then the custom house was built in the land of the sunrise. The building itself is done by the Toraja people and tourism entrepreneurs trafficked into the country of cherry. Now in Japan, there have been two very similar Tongkonan Tongkonan original. Attendance Tongkonan always wowed the country community for its unique. The difference with those in Tanah Toraja is located on the roof only using the leaf sago (sago palm).
There are many other attraction of Tanah Toraja in addition to traditional ceremonies signs solo (funeral), which is famous for this. Call it baby graves in the trees at Kampung Kambira Tarra, Sangalla District, about 20 kilometers from Rantepao, prepared for the body of a baby aged 0-7 years.
Although babies buried in a tree Tarra was not implemented since the last decades, but the tree where it buried the dead baby still remain upright and visited by many tourists. On top of the tree whose fruits resemble Tarra breadfruit commonly used as a vegetable by the local population with a circle of trees about 3.5 meters, saved dozens of dead babies.
Before the body is inserted into the tree trunk, the tree is first perforated and then placed into a dead baby and then covered with a black palm tree fiber. After decades, the bodies of babies that will blend with the tree. This is an attraction for travelers and to Tanah Toraja people still consider it sacred place like a newborn child.
Placement of the baby's body on the tree is well adapted to the social strata of society. The higher the degree of social family, the higher the place of a baby who was buried in the trunk Tarra. In fact, infants who die are placed in the direction of the grieving family residence. If the house is on the western part of the tree, then the child's body will be placed in the west.
To reach this remarkable Tanah Toraja have domestic flights Makassar - Toraja Land that is currently only once a week and wear a small plane berpenumpang eight people, which takes 45 minutes from Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar. If by land, which is quite tiring trip takes seven hours.
Event of interest in this tourist area that is the burial ceremony (solo signs) and signs Tuka (thanksgiving feast) which is a fixed calendar every year. In addition to these events, visitors can see up close other interesting cultural attractions such as storage bodies in the form of a container holding the body of a giant size with a width of 3 meters and 10 meters high and tongkonan 600 years old in Londa, Rantepao. How? Interested to see the uniqueness of this cultural tourism?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thousand Stairs Malino

Makassar region's most famous attractions is the Malino, In Malino air is very fresh and good for those of you who like the tranquility. Malino atmosphere was so beautiful in the morning thick fog often covers the area ... in Malino also there are many very beautiful pine forests and beautiful ... pine forests are usually used as the exciting arena of outbound ... Malino also contained in tea plantation and its factory. the view from the tea garden is very very very beautiful ............. tea from Malino was well known and recognized its pleasures too cheap prices really cuman 5 thousand already able to supply the tea that it could create a year imagine deh ... and that not less exciting and beautiful and cool waterfall that is his original bosss abiss cool. waterfall its name Takapala about 67 meters tall in the eyes of the base of the waterfall or waterfall there is a cool original rose garden which is why the water in this waterfall Takapala smelling of roses if we in this place must goosebumps cause hairs a bit scary also pooh what else wall behind the waterfall there is a cave who can not enter people .. who ever try to swim in and eventually died xixixxi serem .... oh he is still one location with waterfall waterfall Takapala also have met a mate. See you mate this waterfall is much smaller in size compared Takapala waterfall. definitely on to ask "why in the name waterfall Found love match. It is said that if we wash our face in the falls the shadow of a spouse or partner then we will appear. so for example we wash my face and shadow naturally arises as to his mate yah ama monkey monkey. ok in waterfall area also contains a thousand steps. is called a thousand because of the number of children it is a thousand steps. stairs a thousand this past waterfalls Takapala. for a strong please try ..
ok we have the road "to pledge his sights now we will go to Central Market Malino. In this place there are various kinds of fruits, vegetables and snacks lunkhead la Malino. the price of fruit and vegetables at the central market is cheap on appeal when shopping in Makassar. Fruit "an antecedent sale at Central Market there is a wide range of apples, oranges but the most is the passion fruit and avocado. And the most famous snack of sticky rice and Malino is Dodol its Teng-Teng. Teng-Teng's peanuts in the mix with brown sugar. yah sure if its sticky Dodol is made of glutinous rice which is mixed with sugar and coconut. savory taste. Malino Central Market area there are also many flower sellers. Interest ² usual in trade in any flower black roses, flowers Kleopatra, flowers tomato ornamental (not a tomato ^ red O) but the most are the kinds of orchids of all types of orchids have arrived confused i want to take the orchid which all of his cool ". if vegetables on sale there are mustard greens, cabbage, chilli, tomato fruit (fresh tomato fruit tablets ²) and vegetable fern already exists Blum ever eat? ok so we ... cruise tour

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Roterdam Fortess

In this Rottredam Fortress made ​​a State Museum La Galigo which stores a relic from Tanah Toraja, and in this Bentengg often held ceremonies on the mass of the Kingdom of Gowa with the greatness of the kingdom of Gowa Panji washed with blood.

After perjanjiaan Bungaya  fort is falling into the Netherlands, and by Speelman is called by the name of the Rotterdam fronts, one of the leaders of the war in 1925-1930 Panggeran Java Diponegoro been detained in the fort for 26 years, in this bentengg during Japan's Castle This function becomes as Penelitiaan Center of Scientific Culture.

In addition there is La Galigo museum visitors can see see the underground prison located in the Fort Rottredam. "Just fun and cool to play there even when I was playing there almost every day with college friends or even friends kos'an, because the scenery is nice and when I could meliahat afternoon sunset is so beautiful in the city of Makassar" said one of a mahaiswa Makassar State University,

To visit the Citadel this Rottredam visitors from outside the area or else it just takes a little while, and access many flights to Makasasar

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dolphins Habitat Wakatobi National Park Safe

Wakatobi, South East Sulawesi Habitats of endangered species and dolphins in waters umba particularly in the Wakatobi Wakatobi National Park, Southeast Sulawesi, stay safe.
National Park Management Section Area I Wanci, Sofian, in Wakatobi Friday that the Wakatobi National Park which perform the function of monitoring and securing natural resources, continue every effort to preserve the dolphins.
"Preservation of endangered species such as dolphins are the main attraction to attract visitors to the area, continues to be maximized," he said.
He added that the dolphin is one of the rare species that became the center of attention in TN Wakatobi. One species is found in the Wakatobi marine waters.
"Precisely in the area that make up Wakatobi island and has a cape," he added.
Sofyan said the Wakatobi National Park in the observation of this animal activity, it uses a marine patrol boat. So far, no activities that threaten the population Dolphins.
"The reason, these animals do not become seamen food or hunted animals for sale. Hence, the development Dolphins are relatively safe," he said.
He adds, indeed, there are occasional reports and findings Dolphins are caught, but not due to intentional fishermen, but because the Dolphins themselves who accidentally trapped in fishing nets.
"To avoid damage to nets, the fishermen chose crippling Dolphins are moving violently to escape from the trap nets," he added.
He explained that the Dolphins often appear in the Wakatobi marine merairan, are clustered. For visitors who want to see it clearly, to use a boat around the islands.
"Because only thus can be seen," he concluded.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bubur manado (Manado Porridge)

Porridge is one of Indonesia's much-loved cuisine all circles, both infants, young children, adults, to parents. Manado porridge is rice porridge with various spices and vegetables such as spinach, beans, basil leaves, sweet potatoes, corn leaf pipil and Manado is typical tragedy leaves. Cob eaten by fish or fish sauce and chili sauce or dabu bakasang-dabu. In addition to delicious, this puree to give more nutritional intake due to a variety of supplementary materials. In the region of origin of Manado, porridge or Tinotuan bersayur, commonly served hot on a table or a banana leaf mat board, enjoyed rollicking celebration after work.

Manado Porridge Recipes Ingredients:
• 250 grams of rice, washed, drained
• 1.5 liter water
• 1 cm ginger, crushed
• 2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
• 2 teaspoons salt
• 250 grams of sweet corn, pipil
• 50 grams of spinach leaves, siangi
• melinjo leaves 50 grams, siangi
• watercress leaves 50 grams, siangi
• string beans 75 grams, cut into 4 cm
• sweet red / yellow squash (kobocha) 200 grams, peeled, cut into 1x2x2 cm
• 300 sheets of basil leaves
• 50 grams salted fish, fried / 200 grams of tuna for 4, cooking
Tomato sauce recipe Manado Porridge:
• cayenne pepper 6 pieces, sliced 1 / 2 cm
• 3 pieces of red pepper, sliced 1 / 2 cm
• red onion, 4 eggs, thinly sliced
• 2 pieces tomatoes, sliced 1 cm square
• lime juice / lemon 1 tablespoon
• 1 teaspoon salt
How to Make Porridge Manado:
1. Boil water in a pan, put rice, lemongrass, and ginger. Cook until boiling. Add salt and add corn and stir well.
2. Continue cooking until done, just enter the sweet / pumpkin. Add melinjo leaves and long beans. Cook until the sweet potato is soft, put spinach, kale, and basil leaves. Mix well.
3. Cook returned a few minutes until cooked but not mushy vegetables. Lift.
4. Serve with tomato sauce complements and salted fish fried or fried tuna.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sop Konro and Konro Bakar ( Makassar Beef-Ribs Soup & Grilled Beef-Ribs)

Konro is a name for beef-ribs in Makasar, South Celebes.

1 kg beef ribs (I used beff short-ribs)
6 cloves

Paste (grind all ingredients):
5 - 6 kluwak nuts, peel, soak in hot water (I used peeled kluwak nuts)
1 tsp peppercorn, roasted
1 tbsp corriander, roasted
1 tsp minced turmeric (I used ground turmeric)
1 tsp seedless tamarind
3 cloves garlic
7 shallots
salt and sugar as desired

* Saute the ground ingredient and clove until fragrant, add beef ribs, stir and cook meat until lightly browned. Add 1 litre of water, and cook until meat tender. (Add water again, if you need it)

* Add salt and sugar as desired, simmer over low heat 15 to 20 minutes. Serve with rice cake

Grilled Konro
If you wanna make Grilled Konro, just take some beef short-ribs of the soup, then grill.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Coto Makassar ( Makassar Traditional Beef Soup)


Shallots 2
Garlic Cloves 3
Salam Leaves 3
Corriander Seeds 1/2 Tablespoon
Water 8 cup
Lemon grass 1, bruised
Lime leaves 3
Oil 2 Tablespoons
Salt as needed
Crispy fried shallots 1/3 cup (condiment)
Limes 2, cut into wedges
Sweet soy sauce 1/3 cup
Sambal soto (condiment)
Beef chuck 2 ½ lbs (add intestine, tripe, lung, etc)
Peanuts 1 oz, roasted
Chinese celery 1/3 cup (chopped)
Galangal 1 slized
Brown Bean sauce 1 Tablespoon
Holland Hot Pepper 1


Simmer beef chuck with 8 cups of water in a pot (cook tripes  and intestines separately, add to beef when they are done) until thouroughly cooked. Cut beef into big chunks then return them to the pot.

Ground shallots, garlic, coriander seeds, roasted peanuts, and Holland red pepper to a fine paste. Heat a frying pan, add oil then saute spice paste for about 5 minutes. Add lemon grass, galangal, salam leaves, and lime leaves to the frying pan and saute for 2 more minutes. Transfer this paste to the pot and simmer until beef pieces are tender.

Serving suggestion:

Divide rice or "lontong" (rice rolls) into serving bowls then top with the soup. Top the soup with your choice of condiments.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Games Marraga (South Sulawesi)

Origin Marraga comes from the Bugis, while the people of Makassar, often refer to this game with akraga (sports). Marraga including the type of game that combines elements of sport and art. This game requires dexterity, dexterity and agility. Games that came from Malacca is, supposedly only be performed by the nobility Bugis while holding the official royal ceremonies such as, the inauguration of the king and members of the royal marriage. Another version mentions that the game originated from the island of Nias (North Sumatra). Today marraga not only played by the nobles, but also by ordinary people.
Players Marraga generally played by men, both adolescents and adults. In one game the number of players 5-15 people.

Venue and Equipment Gaming The game is done on a flat surface plot of land made a circle with a diameter of at least 6 meters. The equipment used is sport, which is a kind ball made of rattan which split apart, diraut fine then woven. This tool is generally a diameter of 15 cm. Sometimes the drum used to accompany the course of the game.
Game Rules and Processes Regulation marraga game can be said simply, as a player (if it receives the body of the other players) have to toss the body in order not to fall before it passed on other players. How to toss the sport is to use the feet, hands, shoulders, chest, and other limbs, but should not be on hold. High and low bounce any sport that can reach 3 meters from ground level vertically (chipped sarring / anrong chipped); there is a little beyond the head (usually football), and some below the navel (chipped caddi). It relies desire and skill of players. People who are considered proficient (or niak niak sempakna belona), other than to maintain the body to keep from falling to the ground, can also toss the bodies in accordance with the requirements of the game (bajiki anrong sempakna), namely: (1) smart take exercise, discipline and able to turn the atmosphere play (caraddeki anggalle sport), and (2) kick varied and difficult to be imitated by other players (jai chipped masagalana).
Before the game starts, the players stand in a circle. One player (termahir) holds the body and then melambungkannya. The player whose position is fitted with the fall sports, then he should start the game. Furthermore, body passed on other players in the circle, says so on a rotating basis. For the record, a player must not monopolize the game and grab the opportunity to play other players. In this case apply the principle of equal opportunity for players to demonstrate their expertise. The game is considered complete if the ball falls to the ground. The player who dropped it can be removed before the game starts right again.

Cultural Values Values ​​contained in the game marraga is hard work, teamwork, accuracy, democracy and sportsmanship. The value of hard work and cooperation reflected in the efforts of the players to keep a variety of ways for sports does not fall to the ground. Accuracy value is reflected in the efforts of the players to toss or kick to the intended target sports, sports sehigga not out of the arena game. The value of democracy is reflected in the absence of pemonopolian or annexation opportunities to other players. So, the players are given the opportunity to demonstrate his skills. And, the value of sportsmanship is reflected in the players who gracefully dropped out because the sports arena to the ground.
Source: Ministry of Education and Culture. 1980. Games People Bugis Makassar in South Sulawesi. Ujung Pandang: Ministry of Education and Culture.

Bantimurung Waterfall

Air Terjun Bantimurung (Bantimurung Waterfall) Bantimurung Waterfall is located at the valley of the step limestone hill with its fertiles tropical vegetation which makes this area an ideal habitat for the types of butterflies and birds that are famous for their rarity.

In 1856-1857 a pre- dominant English naturalist. Alfred Russel Wallace spent half of his life in this area. In this area he enjoyed catching numerous sorts of rarely found butterflies, birds and insects.

Among the butterflies that he caught was Pailo Androcles type, which is considered one of the most rare and biggest type of butterfly that has a tail like a swallow. A detailed description concerning this place attracts the attention of most archeologist, pre-history experts and others.

The area of the water- fall and surrounding is one of the interesting, enjoyable and fresh place, for walking and swimming.From the water- fall, you can go by vehicle to the National Park through the lines of limestone hill.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Beach Tourism

In addition to Beach Tourism Dato full of charm, a few other attractions that are spread in every district, whether natural tourism, maritime and cultural. among others: White Sand-bonde bonde, Hot Water Bath macula (Sub Sendana
Hot water bath with a very convenient location because it is under the shady pepohonanan, water addition is believed to cure skin diseases and refreshing the body),
Waterfall Limboro (Village District Banua Tallu Sendana which has beautiful natural panorama.) Beach Pacitan in Pangaliali Sub Banggae, Coast Marine Tourism Pacitan very representative to enjoy the beautiful sunset and the fishing activities of fishing, Banggae Tomb Kings, the tomb complex of the king - king Banggae situated on a hilltop, in addition to seeing the tomb of the king - the king at this location can also enjoy views of the city Majene with a stretch of blue sea. Beach Beach Tourism Baluno in Sedana complete with supporting facilities like food stalls that operate for 24 hours and lodging is quite representative, Malle waterfall at Village East Banggae Baruga Dhua District Waterfalls with panoramic views, with a cool, clean air, Salabose Peak, White Sands Beach Barane a sloping beach with a long and comfortable enough to relax, swim in the sea or other activities, along with tourist attractions such as the Boat Race Sandeg, Mandar Ceremony, Ethnic Dance Mandar-Majene, Sailing the People and the manufacture of coconut oil Mandar in Majene district of West Sulawesi.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Customs of Tanah Toraja

Indigenous pacara Signs Solo is ceremonial society of Tana Toraja's death (completion ceremony of death) to respect and to deliver those souls who died towards the spirit world, which is returned to immortality with their ancestors in a resting place called Puya, in southern shelter human. The Summit was called Rante Ceremony and other events such as Buffalo Adu, Adu-Foot and other Ceremony Signs Solo is also called ceremonial perfection of death, because the person who died just considered really died after all these ceremonial procession complete. If not, then the person who died was only regarded as being "sick" or "weak", so he still treated as living people, which is laid up in bed and were given food and water dishes, even always talk to.
Therefore, local people consider Ceremony Signs Solo is very important, because the perfection of this ceremony will determine the position of the deceased person's soul, whether as a ghost haunts (bombo), spirits who reach the level of god (to-membali Puang), or be patron deity (deata). Ceremony Signs Solo becomes a "duty", so that in any way the people of Tana Toraja will mengadakannnya as a form of devotion to their parents who died. Signs Solo festive ceremony is determined by the family of the deceased's social status, measured by the number of animals sacrificed. More and more buffalo are slaughtered, the higher the social status. Typically, for a noble family, the number of slaughtered buffalo tail ranged between 24-100, while the middle class citizens ranging buffaloes 8 plus 50 pigs. In the past, this ceremony can only carried out by the royal family. But along with economic development, social strata are no longer based on lineage or position, but by level of education and economic kemampanan.
Rante Ceremony The climax of the ceremony Signs Solo called Rante ceremony which was held in a "special court". In a ceremony Rante have several series of rituals, such as the process of wrapping the body (ma'tudan, mebalun), affixing ornaments of gold and silver thread in the coffin (ma'roto), decreased body to the barn to be buried (ma'popengkalo alang), pengusungan bodies and processes to the final resting place (ma'palao).
The series of ceremony is, there are also many cultural atrakasi be on view, among them: Adu buffalo (mappasilaga tedong), buffalo-buffalo to be sacrificed pitted before slaughter, and Adu feet (sisemba). The ceremony was also performed some traditional music, such as pa'pompan, pa'dali of control and unnosong; and some dances, such as pa'badong, pa'dondi, pa'randing, pa'katia, pa'papanggan, passailo and pa 'pasilaga tedong. Interestingly, buffalo slaughtered in a very unique and is a hallmark of Tana Toraja society, which cut the throat of a buffalo with a single blow. Type of slaughtered buffalo buffalo was not unusual, but buffaloes bule (tedong bonga), which are quite expensive up to 50 million perekor (2009). In addition, there are also very stunning scenery, when the procession of mourners who was driving the body toward the Puya, from a distance looked like a long red cloth stretched shawl giant among the mourners.

Protected Forest Marowali

Protected Forest Marowali, location precisely in the District of Central Sulawesi Province Marowali. Travel to this region can only be reached by motor boat from Kolonodale (Marowali)
Around this Protected Forest on land occupied by Indigenous population Wana is still very underdeveloped, while the coastal area / above sea level in the occupied by the tribe Bajoe. Various animals Marowali Protected Forest which is second to none elsewhere ie Anoa, Giant Bat with wings stretch up to 2 meters Area Marowali 436,756 ha of protected forest, forest nature reserve and tourist area of ​​241,331 ha and the terdidri cultivation of 480,759 ha of production forests and Other Use Areas (APL) 417 226 ha. Types include the potential that exists inside timber forest products such as: group meranti, jungle mix, beautiful wood such as teak groups and chrysolite, and there are also groups of fancy wood such as ebony / ebony (Dyospiros celebica Bakh) that includes one of the rare wood in the world. As for other forest products (non timber), among others, rosin, pecans, calapai as well as various kinds of rattan, all of which are potential areas that priceless wealth.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wakatobi Parke Nasional

Wakatobi as one of the world's marine tourism objects is now preparing itself and always be ready to welcome you and your family with the hospitality and its particular culture. By operating the New Matahora Airport, launced in December 2008, the island will give you more comfortable journey together with your beloved family to spend the holiday at Wakatobi, the only real underwater paradise.

Wakatobi is one of the Regencies in South-East Sulawesi having its own vision to realize the only real underwater paradise at the world's coral reef triangle center. This visionary vision has a strong reason that beside as the richest site in coral reef collection and as the most beautiful site, (Operation Wallacea 2006) Wakatobi is also situated geographically at the world's coral reef triangle center with its 942 fish species and 750 coral reef species from total 850 of world's collection comparing to the two world's famous diving center like Caribbean Sea that owes only 50 species and other 300 coral reef species in the Red Sea, Egypt.

Beside the underwater beauty, Wakatobi has also other beauty and richness such as white sandy beach, clear sea water, sunset in every islands edge, historical ruins like ancient fortresses and cannon that spread out in the four main islands, old village with its pillar house, traditional waving, blacksmiths, Bajo tribe and various particular dances. This nature and culture heritages put Wakatobi as the world's famous marine tourism objects.

Wakatobi is well-known as the Tukang Besi Island in the map and it is the abbreviation of four main islands name which are: WA (Wangi-wangi), KA (Kaledupa), TO (Tomia) and BI (Binongko), covers an area of 1.400.000 hectares and the coral reef places 90.000 hectares from the total area. The island is also famous as the second largest Barrier after the Great Barrier Reef in Australia consists of 39 islands and 7 of them are inhabited with the total population of 100.563, while the rest remain uninhabited.

Beside as the regency, Wakatobi is also known as the National Park, often called as Wakatobi National Park (TNKW) and it gives the unique characteristic of the regency in Indonesia even in the world having the same width with the National Park area. The unique of the island makes Wakatobi more strong and realistic in the effort of maintaining its underwater beauty and preservation as well as other heritages to place Wakatobi as the underwater marine tourism object and the prominent cultural tourism object that is incomparable with other marine tourism places to be visited by anyone.

Least but not last, please accept our grateful to those who have given the contribution, have visited the area and also to our guests who will visit Wakatobi in the near future.

We, the people and the local government of Wakatobi are waiting for your visit to the Island.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Diving in Bunaken

Diving in Bunaken near Manado - North Sulawesi

The island of Sulawesi has become a very popular dive destinations. Sulawesi is famous for its beautiful flora and fauna and is home to many different ethnic groups. Sulawesi's dive sites are among the most spectacular in the world. Sulawesi is also excellent for snorkelers, especially the BUNAKEN National Park. There is no shortage of dive centers operating in Sulawesi. Some of the dive schools have a good reputation and are popur with divers from around the world. Some dive centers are PADI certified. Dive schools also offer snorkelling trips, however as most dive centers are primarily focused on diving they may not cater for the needs and interests of snorkellers as well.

Diving in Bunaken National Marine Park Islands

Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehage, Nain and Siladen Bunaken offers excellent diving and snorkelling, mainly off the island, accessable by a short boat ride. Most dive centers arrange their dives around Bunaken. Bunaken's main dive attractions include spectacular walls, lush corals, turtles, barracuda, sharks.

Diving Manado Tua

Excellent diving opprtunities, dive trips are mainly for the more experienced diver.

Diving Siladen

Apart from enjoying Siladan's beaches, there is a good variety of hard and soft corals.

Diving Banka Island

Some dive operators will offer organised dive or snorkel tours to Banka island.
Corals: less variety than Bunaken
Divers can often see big fish, including sharks and barracudas. A wet suit may be advisable as the water can get very cold there and sometimes jelly fish can be around.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hotel In Sulawesi

Indonesia has generally a very good selection of hotels. Sulawesi offers a large variety of hotels and other accommodation of all standards suitable for the business and leisure traveller.

Hotels in North Sulawesi

Hotel Ahlan

Kantor: Jl Jend Sudirman 103 MANADO

Hotel Anggrek

Kantor: Jl RA Kartini 5 MANADO

Hotel Angkasa Raya Indah

Kantor: Jl Kol Sugiono 12-A MANADO

Hotel Arison

Kantor: Jl Dr Sam Ratulangi 2 MANADO

Hotel Bersehati

Kantor: Kel Lawangirung Lingk I 1 MANADO

Hotel Biteya City

Kantor: Jl WR Supratman 11 MANADO 

Kantor: Jl 17 Agustus Lingk IV MANADO

Hotel Bunaken Indah

Kantor: Jl Raya Tanawangko MANADO

Hotel Cakalele Mini

Kantor: Jl Korengkeng 40 MANADO

Hotel Celebes

Kantor: Jl Rumambi 8-A MANADO 

Kantor: Jl Dr Sam Ratulangi 33 MANADO

Hotel Citra

Kantor: Jl Dr Sam Ratulangi XVIII 12 MANADO

Hotel Crown

Kantor: Jl Sultan Hasanuddin 28 MANADO

Hotel Diamon

Kantor: Jl Mogandi 8 MANADO

Hotel Ebony City

Kantor: Kompl Wale Lestari Bl E/2 MANADO

Hotel Formosa

Kantor: Jl Wolter Monginsidi Kompl Pert Bahu Mall Bl NW MANADO

Hotel Golden Dragon

Kantor: Jl Kapt P Tendean 12 MANADO

Hotel Horizon

Kantor: Jl Kom L Yos Sudarso Lingk IV MANADO

Hotel Jakarta Jaya

Kantor: Jl Sultan Hasanuddin 25 MANADO

Hotel Kilongan Beach

Kantor: Jl Malalayang Dua MANADO
Hotles in Rantepao,Toraja
Toraja Heritage Hotel
Sahid Hotel Tanatoraja
Novotel Resort Tana Toraja
Marante Hotel Tana Toraja
Imperial Aryaduta Hotel

Hotels in Makassar, formerly Ujung Pandang

 Horison Hotel Makassar
Jl. Jendral Sudirman No 24. Makassar, Indonesia
Phone : +62-411-311555

 Royal Regency Hotel
Jalan Daeng Tompo 8 Makassar, Indonesia
Phone : +62-411-

 Sahid Jaya Hotel Makassar
Jl. Dr. Sam Ratulangi No 33, Makassar, Indonesia
Phone : +62-411-875757

 Singgasana Hotel Makassar
Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin 3 - 5, Makassar, Indonesia
Phone : +62-411-315087

 Imperial Aryaduta Hotel Makassar
Jalan Somba Opu No. 297, Makassar, Indonesia
Phone : +62-411-870555

 Santika Hotel Makassar
Jalan Sultan Hasanuddin No. 40, Makassar, Indonesia
Phone : +62-411-

 Clarion Hotel Makassar
Jl. A.P. Pettarani No. 3 - Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Phone : +62-411-833888

 Aston Hotel Makassar
Jl. Haji Bau 7, Ujung Pandang South Sulawesi 90112
Makassar, Indonesia
Phone : +62-411-

 Quality Hotel Makassar
Jl. Somba Opu No. 235 Makassar 90111, Makassar, Indonesia
Phone : +62-411-333111

 Pantai Gapura Hotel Makassar
Jl. Pasar Ikan No.10, Makassar, Indonesia
Phone : +62-411-325791

 Golden Hotel Makassar
Jl. Pasar Ikan 50-52, Makassar, Indonesia
Phone : +62-411-333000