Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thousand Stairs Malino

Makassar region's most famous attractions is the Malino, In Malino air is very fresh and good for those of you who like the tranquility. Malino atmosphere was so beautiful in the morning thick fog often covers the area ... in Malino also there are many very beautiful pine forests and beautiful ... pine forests are usually used as the exciting arena of outbound ... Malino also contained in tea plantation and its factory. the view from the tea garden is very very very beautiful ............. tea from Malino was well known and recognized its pleasures too cheap prices really cuman 5 thousand already able to supply the tea that it could create a year imagine deh ... and that not less exciting and beautiful and cool waterfall that is his original bosss abiss cool. waterfall its name Takapala about 67 meters tall in the eyes of the base of the waterfall or waterfall there is a cool original rose garden which is why the water in this waterfall Takapala smelling of roses if we in this place must goosebumps cause hairs a bit scary also pooh what else wall behind the waterfall there is a cave who can not enter people .. who ever try to swim in and eventually died xixixxi serem .... oh he is still one location with waterfall waterfall Takapala also have met a mate. See you mate this waterfall is much smaller in size compared Takapala waterfall. definitely on to ask "why in the name waterfall Found love match. It is said that if we wash our face in the falls the shadow of a spouse or partner then we will appear. so for example we wash my face and shadow naturally arises as to his mate yah ama monkey monkey. ok in waterfall area also contains a thousand steps. is called a thousand because of the number of children it is a thousand steps. stairs a thousand this past waterfalls Takapala. for a strong please try ..
ok we have the road "to pledge his sights now we will go to Central Market Malino. In this place there are various kinds of fruits, vegetables and snacks lunkhead la Malino. the price of fruit and vegetables at the central market is cheap on appeal when shopping in Makassar. Fruit "an antecedent sale at Central Market there is a wide range of apples, oranges but the most is the passion fruit and avocado. And the most famous snack of sticky rice and Malino is Dodol its Teng-Teng. Teng-Teng's peanuts in the mix with brown sugar. yah sure if its sticky Dodol is made of glutinous rice which is mixed with sugar and coconut. savory taste. Malino Central Market area there are also many flower sellers. Interest ² usual in trade in any flower black roses, flowers Kleopatra, flowers tomato ornamental (not a tomato ^ red O) but the most are the kinds of orchids of all types of orchids have arrived confused i want to take the orchid which all of his cool ". if vegetables on sale there are mustard greens, cabbage, chilli, tomato fruit (fresh tomato fruit tablets ²) and vegetable fern already exists Blum ever eat? ok so we ... cruise tour

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